4 Things That Happen To Your Vagina When You're On Your Period
More vagina mysteries ~unraveled.~

We don't really enjoy getting our period. That's because for about a week every month, we experience discomfort: Our bellies become bloated, our breasts feel sore, and our skin breaks out. And then there are the strange things that happen to our vaginas. Are these things normal? Read on to find out.
1. Cramping
Some women can experience pain in their vaginas. If the pain isn’t severe, it’s probably due to dysmenorrhea, aka menstrual cramps. Before and during menstruation, your muscles can retain more fluid, and the unusual distribution of fluids in the different parts of your body results in cramps. If the pain is severe, there could be an infection or another problem with one or more of your reproductive organs.
2. Taking on a strange smell
We’re sure you’ve noticed that your vagina gives off a peculiar, almost metallic odor during your period. The smell is due to the blood, vaginal mucus, and bacteria that are expelled from your nether regions. If you think that the scent is too intense or is fishy, you may want to get a check-up—a foul odor can indicate infection—and ask your doctor about using an antiseptic feminine wash to help get rid of the smell.
3. Itching
It’s not uncommon to experience vaginal itching during your period. There are various culprits, including vaginal dryness; a reaction to your laundry detergent, pad, or tampon; or an infection. Make sure to wear breathable panties and change your tampon or napkin every few hours to help prevent itchiness. If the itch persists and becomes uncomfortable, consult your doctor on using Gynepro, which can kill bacteria two times faster than other feminine washes. Made with the antiseptic chlorhexidine digluconate, Gynepro feminine wash is specially formulated to help protect and relieve you from itching and irritation, particularly during that time of the month—and this protection is very important on red days, when your vagina is exposed to more bacteria than usual.
4. Changing pH level
PH levels determine how acidic or basic something is. In healthy women, the vaginal pH is acidic, typically ranging from 3.5 to 5. However, your vaginal pH tends to become higher when you’re on your period, because blood is slightly basic with a pH of 7.4. When the vaginal pH becomes less acidic, the vaginal environment becomes more conducive to bad bacteria, which can lead to bacterial vaginosis and yeast infections. To maintain a low or acidic vaginal pH during your period, eat foods rich in probiotics and maintain proper hygiene—change tampons or pads every few hours, wash your hands when handling your menstrual cup, and wash your genitals every day.
For more information, follow Gynepro on Facebook. Chlorhexidine digluconate is the generic name of Gynepro. If symptoms persist, consult your doctor.
ASC Reference No.: U023P082818G
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